No Sugar Raspberry Jam

Who LOVES jam?! 🙄...🙋🏼 BUT I do not love the tablespoon 🥄 of sugar that is in every serving size of raspberry jam.
Sooo... what do we do? 🧐 MAKE OUR OWN 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🤤
❗️3 ingredients:
Bag of frozen raspberries
2 tbsp of agave/ honey/ maple syrup ( maple can be better because the raspberries are quite tartyyy)
2tbsp of chia seeds
Heat raspberries over a low heat for 10 minutes. And then mince with fork
Add honey and chia seeds and stir for 3 more minutes
Take off heat and leave in pot for 10 minutes
Stir occasionally
Store in a glass container with a lid for about four days. And put it on EVERYTHING 🙌🏻
